Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Daichi Ito - Limited Edition TV

Want to know the story behind your favorite store?
Have you ever wondered how a designer designs?
Do you need to get inside the mind of an artist?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions then look no further as we have the show for you.

Japan’s #1 son Daichi Ito asks the tough questions to the people who know the answers.

This is real time.
This is real talk.
This is Limited Edition TV

Daichi Ito is taking FOB to the hypebeast game...i love it!!!

Episode 1
Pork, chicken or salami?
You decide as Daichi grills #1 guy who sells the meat, DQM’s Dave Ortiz

Ep. 2
Watch as Daichi sits down with the #1 Designer of the Streets, Married to the Mob’s Leah Mcsweeny