Friday, January 15, 2010

ST!ZO x Nike Air Flight Lite = BUZZ LIGHT YEAR NIKE

I am an avid uber-fan of retro Nike and when Nike decided to re-release the Nike Air Flight Lite I had to gett'em.  However, after the excitement of an impulse sneaker purchase died down I saw the unworn sneaker collect dust and decided to give my man ST!ZO a call and have him freshen these bad boys up.

I'm also a fan of the Pixar movie "Toy Story", since growing up an only child I had a tendency to talk to my toys and wishing that they would come alive and respond, but that is a topic saved for my therapy sessions...haha. Anyways, as St!zo and I discussed the possiblities of revamping the Nike Air Flight Lite we decided to put a "Toy Story" spin on these! Woody doesn't have shit on these!!!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can you buy these, i love them?!